How to enlarge cock without damage to the health of the men? There are many hormonal drugs, and dietary supplements, through which you can speed up the body's production of male hormones. As is well known, the increase in the concentration of testosterone involves the lengthening and thickening of the penis. However, the malfunction of the endocrine system and often become the cause of developing very serious diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, the growth of the lower jaw, etc.

In order not to damage your health, but increase the size of your member, we recommend that you use only proven and safe methods of correction of the length and thickness of the organ. They can be divided into two categories:
- conservatives – drug therapy, the use of simulators, chiropractic, therapeutic diet;
- surgical – ligamentum, transplantation of tissues, hyaluronic acid injections, etc.
Minimally invasive operations, practically does not lead to the development of side effects, therefore, they also spend in outpatient settings. However, experts warn that about a year after the introduction of hyaluronic acid and lipid of the tissues in the penis part of them is absorbed. In this regard, the length and thickness of the penis decreases, with the result that it must re-request the aid of the plastic surgeon.
Simulators for the lens magnification, repair of the penis
The men who have made use of only natural methods of loupe repair of the penis, and be confident of achieving the desired effect, is possible only through a long training. Usually, they combine manual therapy with the use of special sports equipment, that literally dilate the tissues of the penis.
Among the most secure and effective simulators are:
- extensor – plantar is a device designed for the mechanical stretching of the ligaments, muscles and the corpora cavernosa of the penis;
- vacuum pump – medical device, whose work is the basis for the creation of negative pressure around the penis; the reduction of the pressure involves an influx of blood to the tissues and, consequently, their subsequent development;
- weights – loads that are destined for the stretching of the tissues of the penis, the use of which stimulates the formation of new tissue structures in the corpora cavernosa;
- the jelq-machine – tool manual "milking" the penis, which is applied with the aim of stretching of the corpora cavernosa and muscle tissue.
Important! The improper use of devices may lead to a temporary reduction in erection.
You should understand where that natural lens zoom repair for penis enlargement is a continuous process, and at times quite unpleasant. With the training the length and diameter of the phallus increases, but gradually. Amplify the events, the experts recommend, as well as fatigue of muscles and ligaments can cause injury and tearing of the tissues.
Self-massage is one of the most secure methods of correction of the shape and the size of the penis. Today, it has been developed a series of effective techniques with which you can not only increase penis size but also improve the erection. Chiropractic care helps to improve trophic tissues, the acceleration of metabolic processes and restore the normal microcirculation of blood in the penis. The regular use of manual therapy reduces the risk of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction in 3 times.
To increase the sexual organ without harm to health, you can use the following massage techniques:
- gymnastics Kegel – training exercises, the muscle of the pubococcygeus muscles (to detect LC-muscle, simply try to stop the act of urination; in this moment you feel the tension right muscles that you will need to train the periodic contraction and relaxation);
- jelqing – technique "milking" the penis, during which it is necessary to perform movements of the thumb and the index (handle OK), starting from the base of the penis and ends with the head;
- clamping – the extremes of lens zoom repair of the penis, the essence of which is that of a crushing of the superficial veins at the base of the penis; during the massage the body cavernosum of the flow of the blood, however, due to blockage of the venous outflow will be disrupted; regular classes allow you to stretch the erectile tissue, which subsequently will lead to an increase of the length and diameter of the penis.
With the right execution of the exercises increased the size of the penis exceed the original settings of the penis of 20-25%. But before you begin to self-massage, you need to heat the fabric of the phallus and restore their normal movement. For this you can use warm compresses, a bag with hot water and salt, warm water, fat, etc.
The lipofilling and surgery of increase of the diameter of the penis because of the introduction in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. The Mini-invasive procedure refers to the number of less traumatic, and is often done as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. As a filler use lipid tissue, cultured with the back, buttocks, thighs, etc Before the procedure, biomaterial, purified from the impurities, after which distributed evenly over the entire length of the trunk of the penis with the help of a special needle.
Injectable the procedure is not recommended in case of acute exacerbation sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation urethrovesical channel.
During the intervention are used in the lipid tissue of the patient, thanks, solved the problem of rejection of the implant. Lipocytes play a role of filler, with which the plastic surgeon, increases the diameter of the penis and corrects its shape in case of need. An increase of the penis requires no more than an hour, after which the surgeon sews the place of puncture-absorbable wire and forces the patch into the welding position. After about 2-3 weeks after the lipofilling, the patient may return to usual sexual life.
Increase penis
Here you will find all the information on how to increase the penis. Are considered to be methods of loupe repair of the penis at home or in clinical conditions, their pros and cons. I have tried all the major devices, and has described his experience and the forecast. In the articles, the answers to the 3 questions, of interest to all those who are going to make a change of his body:
- if you really the increase of a member,
- what results you can get,
- which technique to choose.
And a bit of general information for the increase of the penis: the principle of operation of different methodologies, the results are approximate, the range of growth and its limits.
Penis enhancement without surgery
Folk remedies to the power of men of quick action
Treatment potency folk remedies: the most effective methods. La spezia — a mine of goodies for the health of men ,pan to drink aphrodisiacs ,cjk plants for male power ,ginseng ,pharmaceutical ginseng — stimulating sexual desire .Are recommended exercise to increase the blood flow in the groin area. The power — indicator of health and a positive psychological condition of a man.

Medical statistics show that a normal man has his instrument of work length from 12 to 16 cm, which is the most normal, nothing notable member here is the body along 14 cm and a diameter of 2,5-3 cm With the help of such penis can satisfy a woman, and conceive a child. However, many men it seems that their penis is still too small, then it may be advisable to increase the member of the sodium bicarbonate.
A bigger penis is good to increase the self-esteem, and also preferred for anal sex. If you decide for themselves, that the increase of the member with the sodium bicarbonate is of vital importance, below you will find the instructions on how to do this process in detail.
Increase member correctly
Increase penis baking soda — what's not new, and was invented, of course, not yesterday. Your father and your grandfather, probably, know this secret, and the sodium bicarbonate has always been and there is in every house in a kitchen drawer. Of course, usually use for the lens magnification, repair of the penis, and the tasks at home: cleaning dishes, cooking, etc
There are two common variations the application of sodium bicarbonate to increase the penis. You can try both, or the way that you like best.
- Take a hot bath to relax the the penis, also a little to masturbate. Take a teaspoon of baking soda, mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil or honey. The mass should be applied on the penis and massage his five minutes. Then stop spreading and massaging the sex organ, leave the cream enough to penetrate and throw directly on the rise. Rinse carefully with water the whole of the soda in the cream with a member, and get ready for the fact that the penis starts to grow. This method also helps to prolong the time of sexual intercourse for 10-15 minutes.
- If it is not very suitable schema, according to which it is necessary to rub the penis cream soda, or, perhaps, you do not have this condition, it is always possible to do otherwise. The second way is more easy to use than before, and it is also really increases member. Take the baking soda — a tablespoon in a glass of water. His need to completely dissolve in the water. The resulting liquid is necessary to lower virility for 10 minutes, but not more, and you see immediately how the soda affect the size of the penis. This method is more simple and less time consuming.
Whatever way you choose, do not forget that the soda only gives a temporary effect. We recommend that you use the baking soda for an hour or two prior to sexual intercourse, and then the penis swollen and stretched, will give you and your lady. With the help of sodium bicarbonate, it is possible to obtain an increase in diameter, average 1 cm, and the length of your body grow to 1-2 cm, pay Particular attention to the treatment of the head of the penis largely depends on it, as it changes the size of the penis. Can control it both ways, as well as have actually verified to decades. Look, what method suits you best, and make sure that it is true. Now you know how you can use baking soda to increase the penis.
Who can use the baking soda?
Best to abandon the application of this method the following subjects:
- Diabetics. Soda, even in small amounts, dangerous affect sugar in the blood.
- People with prostate problems and prostatitis, here and so seems to be clear.
- Suffering from urethritis and cystitis. Soda — a powerful stimulus that will benefit from the safe will not go.
- Those who have a thrush or allergic dermatitis. Thrush generally quite problematic disease, and soda will only aggravate the situation.
There are a number of internet-reviews devoted to this topic in general, and specifically the question, who's better not to use baking soda. Among these, attention is drawn to the opinion that is hosted on a well-known medical website, and the name of "Smear and see." Also there are a number of tips, which speaks of who and how he uses the baking soda on the member, and that the organ is derived.
Many reviews is dedicated to roller, in which the man directly on the camera piece of plaster on your member that is in an excited state, the normal sodium bicarbonate, and her fertile body increases the eyes. Most likely, you are using a video, why or from what kind of soda this effect by increasing the value may not come. Fucking really for a while to grow, if grease, sodium bicarbonate, but certainly not for 5 cm and more.
Side effects
Be careful not to abuse it in this way, in any case! The frequent intake of sodium bicarbonate will lead to unpleasant consequences, and, probably, will be very disappointing.
Despite the damage, many men abuse this way. This can lead to the following negative phenomena:

- appear wounds and fractures, that you get ill;
- can develop an allergic reaction;
- are not excluded burning and itching;
- the abuse can also cause serious diseases such as cancer of the penis.
Doctors recommend to use this method no more than once every six months, in exceptional cases, once in four months. Many men, literally crazy in the question, how to enlarge penis, make drinks poultice much more often. This abuse makes them stable patients urologist, and to him are forced to spend the money for expensive treatments.
In summary
Everyone decides for himself the question, organize the size of the penis or no, and even if there is the need to take measures to increase the penis. Someone had the funds for the erection and increase in size, someone is thinking of starting to take drugs now, but someone does not want to spend money for expensive medicines and prefer the good old recipe — baking soda, which, however, can hurt. Now you know how to enlarge the dick and for this you need to do. Good luck and success in the world of sex!
We make conclusions
There was a fire of straw? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - the victory is not on your side. And certainly not by hearsay knows that power is:
Low self-esteem. The women remember each of your failure, tell your friends, and your friends. The disease of the prostate. The development of depression, which has a negative impact on your health. It is worth to start doing something.